Steam Guthaben
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Steam Guthaben Code
Free browser extension based on the Enhanced Steam.
Steam Gift Cards and Wallet Codes are an easy way to put money into your own Steam Wallet or give the perfect gift of games to your friend or family member. Steam Gift Cards and Wallet Codes work just like gift certificates, which can be redeemed on Steam for the purchase of games, software, and any other item you can purchase on Steam. Click and get your free steam keys! Play Free Games Anytime, Anywhere! When you have access to free steam game codes, you will be able to get hold of free funds that can be used in the website.
Download it on your PC.
Steam Guthaben Kaufen
Available for Firefox and Chrome based browsers.
Augment your Steam experience
Get it for free on your PC
Get it now for free and augment your Steam experience
The original project (Enhanced Steam) was created by Jason Shackles (jshackles). Unfortunately, he has announced its end of life, so IsThereAnyDeal team has decided to pick it up and continue to enhance Steam for you.
The original extension has been live for years, and Jason did a tremendous job with it. However, as with any project of this size and years of support, it needed a little bit of cleanup. Therefore, we have completely rebuilt it from the ground up, aiming to provide as many of the original features as possible, while adding new ones down the line.
Privacy policy
The extension communicates with IsThereAnyDeal servers to ensure functionality of some of the features of the extension.
Usually, these requests consists of the IDs of the games you are browsing and your currency. These are not tied to your account in any way.
Profile features may require to send your numerical Steam ID, e.g. for custom backgrounds. To use these features, you may be required to log in to our servers via Steam, in which case your numerical Steam ID will be stored on our servers.
To ensure quality of service, requests to our servers are logged. These logs contain your IP address and are stored for no longer than 90 days, but usually 30 days.
Feel free to review the extension code and server code.
To request more information or removal of your data, please contact
Note: We are using a database dump from 17th January 2019, provided by original author, from which all sensitive information was removed.